Delta Alliance activities

Delta Alliance | WING Activities Fund 2020
The purpose of the Delta Alliance | WING Activities Fund 2020 is to promote and strengthen cooperation between delta professionals and researchers within the Delta Alliance wings. This fund provides the opportunity to apply for a grant for organising workshops, excursions, visits and round trips, symposia, writing and publishing relevant publications, producing videos, policy briefs, infographics etc. More information is available via the Wing coordinators.
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Delta Alliance | WING Activities Fund 2019
The purpose of the Delta Alliance | WING Activities Fund 2019 is to promote and strengthen cooperation between delta professionals and researchers within the Delta Alliance wings. This fund provides the opportunity to apply for a grant for organising workshops, excursions, visits and round trips, symposia, writing and publishing relevant publications, producing videos, policy briefs, infographics etc. More information is available via the Wing coordinators.
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Bangladesh Delta Bulletin
This newsletter contains short messages, news and announcements, with the objective to share knowledge and experience related to adaptive delta management and the implementation of the Bangladesh Delta Plan. It is prepared by the Delta Alliance as a pilot for information sharing, on quarterly basis.
>> Read more: Bangladesh Delta Bulletin no 1, no2 and no3.

Learning with Wings: collective learning and mechanism for learning
Against a background of adaptive delta management in the complex delta of Bangladesh, this study focuses on capturing how people and organisations in the Delta Alliance Bangladesh Wing (DABW) learn. The study addresses the process in which learning is taking place in the Bangladesh Wing, and what important elements therein are. For this purpose, a survey has been disseminated, and the responses collected cover a variety of organisations related to delta management and the DABW, and a range of key professionals in this field.
>> Read more: full article and report

Application of remote sensing and citizen science in monitoring water resources in the Red River delta - fieldwork activities (December 2018)
The objectives of the fieldwork were to validate the certainties of the results estimated by remote sensing analysis and to maintain the involvement of citizen in a data provider system which is jointly using the two free data sources: 1) remote sensing and 2) citizen science.
It can be concluded that continuous measurements of some water parameters in the Red River Delta are important to persistently build a dataset for both research and training. Annual activities continuously organised by HUNRE are building a bigger database and are better providing educational services.
Small funding prove that it certainly can provide many supportive activities if it is reasonably used.
>> Read more: factsheet

Towards a Method of Participatory Planning in an Emerging Metropolitan Delta in the Context of Climate Change, The Case of Lower Paraná Delta, Argentina
Article based on the Doctoral Dissertation entitled “Towards a Method of Participatory Planning in an Emerging Metropolitan Delta in the Context of Climate Change. The Case of Lower Paraná Delta, Argentina”, developed by the author under the supervision of Han Meyer at the Department of Urbanism, TUDelft. The article includes the main take aways of the thesis. E.g. the design and implementation of a method of participatory design of spatial plans that is applied at the local level, to generate an impact at higher scales. The method designed in the research also includes the development of interactive scenarios in order to think about possible future events and reflect on the necessary policy and actions to make the system respond to changes in a more adaptive way. The scenarios, as well as all the indicators analysed along the process, are developed through participatory workshops, after an analysis of the actor-network of the area, and also of the local, provincial and national regulations.
Next to that a factsheet and information on the outcomes of the seminar which was held prior to the thesis defence is given.
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The Delta Alliance welcomes Benin as new Wing (December 2018)
The Ouémé River and delta is the largest system of Benin Republic providing vital ecosystem services for the livelihoods of many millions of people. Unfortunately population pressure and unsustainable infrastructure development, inadequate management of natural habitats and resources, and pollution threaten the productivity of coastal ecosystems. Moreover, today climate change is a major threat to sustainable development due to Benin low adaptive capacity and high dependency on climate-sensitive resources, such as water resources and ecological systems. In order to contribute to the long-term sustainable development of the delta system, several key experts (NGO, Academic, and Government) have now set up the Benin Delta Wing under the Delta Alliance. 
Benin joined the 18 international deltas of the Delta Alliance following for the African continent Ghana, Egypt, and Kenya. The Delta Alliance now consists of 19 Wings from 16 countries.
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Seminar Parana Delta (11 October 2018)
The Paraná Delta is a heterogeneous and relatively ‘wild’ territory in Argentina which covers around 22.000 km2. The delta is subjected to increasing pressures resulting from climate change as well as from urban development of the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires and other cities along the edges of the delta.
Verónica Zagare, Delta Alliance coordinator of the Argentina Wing and urban planner from Buenos Aires, discussed the future of this delta with experts from Deltares, involved in the Paraná delta as consultants.
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Adaptation Futures 2018 (18-21 June 2018)
The Delta Alliance attended the conference in Cape Town, South Africa, with a.o. a stand, side event on Monday morning 'Towards resilient African deltas through enhanced knowledge exchange and research network'. Also several sessions were organised by the Delta Alliance and Partners.
>> Read more: information on stand, side event and sessions by partners
>> Read more: side event Towards resilient African deltas through enhanced knowledge exchange and research network
>> Read more: session Adaptation practice and experience in deltas in the global south

Seminar Integrated design of Ghana’s Volta delta and coast (15 May 2018)
This seminar is held in the framework of a Dutch – Ghanese students exchange programme. This programme is a cooperation between the Delta Alliance, the Delft Deltas, infrastructures & Mobility Initiative (DIMI) and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (KNUST), Central University (CU), CSIR College of Science & Technology (CCST), and University of Ghana (UG) aiming to develop integrated solutions for the complex challenges of the Volta Delta in Ghana.
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NKWK conferentie 'Van papier naar praktijk' (17 april 2018)
NKWK is de Nederlandse Wing van de Delta Alliance. In de sessie 'Blik op de delta's: kansen voor NKWK vanuit internationaal perspectief' gingen we in discussie over de internationale dimensie van NKWK. Nederlandse kennisinstellingen presenteerden kort wat hun activiteiten en ervaringen in het buitenland zijn. Met de zaal gingen we vervolgens in discussie over wat de belangrijkste lessen zijn die we hiervan kunnen leren. Tot welke kansen leidt dat? Pakken we die voldoende op? En hoe kunnen de onderzoekslijnen van NKWK hierbij een rol spelen? De Delta Alliance en haar Nederlandse partners hebben op basis van de resultaten van deze sessie een advies aan het NKWK uitgebracht.
>> Read more (in Dutch)

Wing progress reports 2016/2017
Every year, progress reports from the Wings are submitted about the activities of the Wings in the field of research, workshop, capacity building, etc. A summary report was made with a number of observations and key messages. These will be discussed with the Wings and serve as the basis for the future course.
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Wing meetings 2017
The  Delta Alliance International Secretariat provided seed money as an extra impulse to the Wings to promote their Wing activities.
A number of Wings organised meetings. The reports of the meetings are available.
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Delta Coalition 2017
Several activities took place, a.o.:
In July a conference chaired by Bangladesh took place in Dhaka. Presentations were given by the Wings of Bangladesh and Myanmar.
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Delta Coalition dinner during the Amsterdam International Water Week, which proved to be an excellent networking occasion. Delta Alliance and Delta Coalition presented themselves with representatives of the Global Centre of Excellence on Climate Adaptation.
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Report GWP Learning Deltas Asian Initiative (December 2017)
GWP initiated the Learning Deltas Asian Initiative as a means to enhance capacity development in a format of a holistic basin-wide programme instead of a project based approach. Delta Alliance, as an international knowledge network on deltas, supported this initiative actively, engaging staff from the wings in Myanmar and Bangladesh and the international secretariat. In 2017 a pilot was undertaken with the objective of mutual learning.
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Dutch-Ghanaian student team worked on complex challenges of the Ghana Volta Delta (November 2017)
A group of students and teachers from Delft University of Technology worked with Ghanaian students of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Central University and University of Ghana to develop integrated solutions for the complex challenges of the Volta Delta in Ghana during a full week of workshops and site visits that was hosted and facilitated by the Delta Alliance-Ghana Wing.
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Training Delta Planning and Management (September 2017)
There is an increasing need to train professionals who are able to deal with the interdisciplinary complexities of delta planning and management (DPM). Therefore, the Delta Alliance and its partners have developed a capacity development programme to support professionals in delta planning and management. This programme consists of a raft of modules  and depending on the needs and context a customised course can be offered.
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Delta Alliance newsletter (August 2017)
With news items on: Wings activities, meetings, webinars, Master class, Flood Delta City Index, Global Centre of Excellence on Climate Adaptation, publications and agenda.
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Delta monitor report (July 2017)
To help decision makers in delta areas to select appropriate adaptation and mitigation strategies it is necessary to have a clear picture of the main sources of risk and how this risk evolves under changing conditions. Acknowledging these problems a new index was developend that helps cities to better understand the dominant drivers of risk, formulate ambitions, and compare and share their results with other delta regions. 
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NKWK as Dutch Wing (July 2017)
The National Water and Climate Knowledge and Innovation Programme (abbreviated to NKWK in Dutch), serves as the Dutch Wing of the Delta Alliance. This NKWK is a national programme within which government authorities, knowledge institutes and companies, work in conjunction on pilot projects, topical issues and long-term developments. It comprises of fourteen research tracks, in which government authorities, knowledge institutes and companies collaborate on pilot projects, topical issues and long-term developments.
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Thought Leadership ADM - Adaptive Delta Management, Marjolijn Haasnoot, Deltares (June 2017)
The thought leadership aims at exchanging experiences on current practices and scientific methods and tools with both practitioners and scientists. Scientist can test and adopt their approaches to practice and practitioners can learn about tools and methods and other practices. Adaptive delta management is an emerging and promising concept that is being used to support decision making on delta management under uncertain climate and socio-economic changes.
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Thought Leadership ‘Rural Urban linkages combining safety and quality of living in delta cities’, Wim Timmermans, WUR, (April/June 2017)
The thought leadership touched a range of urban rural relations that are highly relevant for delta city resilience and flood risk reduction. In the Parana delta combined urban sprawl and agricultural intensification affected the system of the Parana delta during several decades. It could happen because in that period delta polices, which were at that time more sectoral and management based, were not fully aware of the consequences of such spatial developments. Nowadays a hard competition between spatial housing, agricultural and delta is at stake. Soft sectors, such as nature, recreation and heritage suffer from this competition, while nature based solutions, often connected with place making, promise to bring new perspectives for integration.
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Wageningen Delta Seminar: Water, Climate, Food and Ecosystems in Deltas (22 May 2017)
The Delta Alliance and Wageningen Environmental Research organised a seminar to discuss delta related knowledge development - illustrated by some key research outcomes and identified knowledge gaps. The seminar was well attended by over 80 participants. Bram de Vos, director of Director Wageningen Environmental Research, opened the seminar. Mr. Sheikh Mohammed Belal, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, gave a keynote address. An overview of the current activities of the Delta Alliance was given by Renske Peters, director of the Delta Alliance. In five pitches the research carried out by Wageningen Environmental Research was given.
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Webinar Urbanization and flood risks: understanding the fabric and governance of Delta cities (9 May 2017)
Delta regions across the world are rich in natural resources and economic opportunities. As a result, they have historically been home to dense, growing urban communities. The process of urbanisation is often rapid and results in formal and informal urban fabric. Planned and unplanned urbanisation processes both affect delta infrastructures. A variety of institutions and stakeholders generate these simultaneous processes. What is the relationship between formal-informal and planned-unplanned urbanisation processes in the world’s deltas? How do they affect the urban water system and the allocation of flood risks? How does the physical battle for space relate to various stakeholders and their financial, executive and judicial capacities?
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Kenya and Ghana wing mission report to Ouémé Delta, Cotonou, Benin (3-6 April 2017)
A group of students and teachers from Delft University of Technology, faculties of Architecture and the Built Environment, Civil Engineering and Geosciences and Technology, Policy and Management worked with Ghanaian students of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Central University and University of Ghana to develop integrated solutions for the complex challenges of the Volta Delta in Ghana during a full week of workshops and site visits which was hosted and facilitated by the Delta Alliance Ghana Wing.
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Delta Alliance newsletter (December 2016)
In this newsletter:
Upcoming events & invitation, From the Argentina Wing, Red River Delta Wing established in Hanoi, Vietnam, Delta Planning and Management, Thought Leader: Adaptive Delta Management and Rural Urban Linkages in Deltas, Habitat III – Quito: Transition towards sustainable delta cities, ESPA Deltas meeting and Team international secretariat 
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HABITAT III conference New Urban Agenda: Transition towards Sustainable Delta Cities (19 October 2016)
In Quito, the Delta Alliance co-organised this network event jointly with the Government of the Netherlands as outgoing chair of the Delta Coalition, and with the City of Beira. The event attracted some 120 attendants from national and local governments, NGO’s, research organizations and the private sector. 
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