Argentina Wing
The Delta Alliance Argentinean Wing (DAAW) aims to generate a robust platform for interaction among institutions within the Paraná Delta to develop knowledge and actions towards an increase of the resilience capacity of the area, as well as an improvement of its governance at all levels. The Wing is coordinated by Verónica Zagare (TU Delft). DAAW is formed by Fundación Torcuato Di Tella, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA), Fundación para la Conservación y el Uso Sustentable de los Humedales / Wetlands International, Instituto de Investigaciones e Ingeniería Ambiental -3iA-, Instituto Superior de Urbanismo, Territorio y Ambiente -ISU- and Centro de Investigaciones de Políticas Urbanas y de Vivienda -CIPUV-.
Paraná Delta
The Delta of the Paraná River is one of the largest coastal wetlands systems of Argentina, spreading over 320 km, comprising a vast extension of more than 22.587 km2. The Delta presents a variable width, from 18 km up to 100 km. According to landscape parameters and hydrologic regimes it presents different landscape units distributed in three zones: Upper, Middle and Lower Delta.
The Delta is rich in biodiversity and natural resources and faces the pressures of urban growth, unsustainable agricultural practices and the consequences of climate change. It is a natural capital which represents a valuable benefit for the human population due to the ecosystem's goods and services.
>> Read more: Deltasud website
Verónica M.E. Zagare, TU Delft - vzagare(at)
>> Read more: Argentina Wing network
>> Read more: Deltasud website
News and activities
Report 'Living with Water' on climate adaptation in the world's deltas
This report from the Global Center on Adaptation brings together inspiring case studies from around the globe to galvanize governments and citizens helping the half a billion people living in delta communities who are imperiled by climate change. The report was published with the support of the Delta Alliance international secretariat. The case study on Argentina was co-authored by the Delta Alliance Argentina Wing.
>> Download report
Webinars on Nature-Based Solutions (November 2020)
As part of the Delta Alliance Activity Fund 2020, the Argentina Wing co-organised three webinars on Nature-based Solutions, as a follow-up activity of the Seminar organized earlier (“Territorios del Agua”, see WING Activities Fund 2019). The webinars created a space for internationally renowned experts to share their knowledge and experiences in the field. Likewise, attendees were able to share their views on the lessons learned and future challenges.
>> Read more or watch webinar recordings
Towards a Method of Participatory Planning in an Emerging Metropolitan Delta in the Context of Climate Change, The Case of Lower Paraná Delta, Argentina
Article based on the Doctoral Dissertation entitled “Towards a Method of Participatory Planning in an Emerging Metropolitan Delta in the Context of Climate Change. The Case of Lower Paraná Delta, Argentina”, developed by the author under the supervision of Han Meyer at the Department of Urbanism, TUDelft. The article includes the main take aways of the thesis. E.g. the design and implementation of a method of participatory design of spatial plans that is applied at the local level, to generate an impact at higher scales. The method designed in the research also includes the development of interactive scenarios in order to think about possible future events and reflect on the necessary policy and actions to make the system respond to changes in a more adaptive way. The scenarios, as well as all the indicators analysed along the process, are developed through participatory workshops, after an analysis of the actor-network of the area, and also of the local, provincial and national regulations.
Next to that a factsheet and information on the outcomes of the seminar which was held prior to the thesis defence is given.
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Thesis defence Verónica Zagare: urbanizing delta’s (17 October 2018)
Verónica Zagare, coordinator of the Argentina Wing, will defend her thesis: Towards a Method of Participatory Planning in an Emerging Metropolitan Delta in the Context of Climate Change. The Case of Lower Paraná Delta, Argentina.
Promotor: V.J. Meyer (Bk)
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>> Read more: thesis
Seminar Paraná Delta (11 October 2018)
The Paraná Delta is a heterogeneous and relatively ‘wild’ territory in Argentina which covers around 22.000 km2. The delta is subjected to increasing pressures resulting from climate change as well as from urban development of the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires and other cities along the edges of the delta.
Veronica Zagare, Wing coordinator Argentina Wing and urban planner from Buenos Aires, will discuss the future of this delta with experts from Deltares, involved in the Paraná delta as consultants.
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Stakeholder initiative: Roundtable for a Dialogue on the Reconquista River Basin (31 May 2017)
The Roundtable for a Dialogue on the Reconquista River Basin was organised by the Delta Alliance Argentinean Wing, Fundación Torcuato Di Tella, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and the Comité de Cuenca del Río Reconquista (COMIREC)-Reconquista Basin Committee. A full meeting report is available.
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Tuesday 13 June 2017
Workshop Lujan Basin (8 November 2016)
The Workshop "Lujan Basin" was held on 8 November 2016 in Lujan city. It was co-organized by Fundación Biósfera, Fundación Humedales - Wetlands International and Delta Alliance Argentinean Wing.
>> Read more: Deltasud website
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Wednesday 7 December 2016
Seminar report of 'Territorios del Agua' Meeting report Roundtable for a Dialogue on the Reconquista River Basin Scenario Development and Participatory Processes as a Tool for Integrating Urban and Environmental Planning >> Read more: archive news, meetings, publications >> Read more: Deltasud website
Reflection and exchange of Argentinean academic projects, plus the perspective and experience of The Netherlands. In this seminar, representatives of different Argentinean universities presented graduate and postgraduate workshop productions, to generate a scope for reflection on the problem of the design and implementation of nature-based solutions in Argentina. Additionally, Dutch experts offered keynote lectures with reflections and case studies on nature-based solutions (NBS). Aim was to discuss the benefits associated with NBS, as well as to review successful cases around the world.
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Wednesday 23 January 2020
The Roundtable for a Dialogue on the Reconquista River Basin was organised by the Delta Alliance Argentinean Wing, Fundación Torcuato Di Tella, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and the Comité de Cuenca del Río Reconquista (COMIREC)-Reconquista Basin Committee.
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Wednesday 14 June 2017
Zagare, V., Sepúlveda, D. (2016), International Journal on Climate Change: Impact and Responses, Volume 8, Issue 4, pp.65-88 (ISSN 1835-7156)
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Sunday 21 August 2016