Report: Reflection on Learning Deltas Asia Initiative

Towards the end of 2016 GWP initiated the Learning Deltas Asian Initiative as a means to enhance capacity
development in a format of a holistic basin-wide programme instead of a project based approach.

The Delta Alliance, as an international knowledge network on deltas, supported this initiative actively, engaging staff from the wings in Myanmar and Bangladesh and the international secretariat. In 2017 a pilot was undertaken with the objective of mutual learning. Delta experts from Bangladesh and Myanmar visited each other’s countries to learn and discuss. The Myanmar group indicated that they can learn from Bangladesh about polder system management, tidal river management, and IWRM in a broader sense (including mangrove management). Important learning was, that the foreseen self-funding of exchange visits would not (yet) work and needs further consideration.

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Report: Reflection on Learning Deltas Asia Initiative

Catharien Terwisscha van Scheltinga, Delta Alliance partner Wageningen Environmental Research
Marjan Kreijns, Delta Alliance partner TU Delft


Delta Alliance International Secretariat
Friday 01 December 2017
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