Inaugural lecture and syposium: (En)gage the flow. Striking the balance in deltas under pressure (25 January 2018)

On 25 January the inaugural lecture of Ton Hoitink as personal Professor in the Hydrology and Quantitative Water Management Group will take place. The lecture will be preceded by a symposium.

12.00-15.00 Symposium (location Wageningen Campus, meeting room Gaia)

  • Opening by Prof. Remko Uijlenhoet (Wageningen University)
  • Presentations by:
    Dr. Bas van Maren (Deltares): Erosion in the Red River Delta: natural processes and human interventions
    Dr. Maarten van der Vegt (Utrecht University): Tides and saltwater intrusion in the Mekong Delta
    Prof. Zheng Bing Wang (Deltares and TU Delft): The Yangtze Delta, a delta in transition
    Prof. Torbjorn Tornqvist (Tulane University): Large deltas and relative sea-level rise: An awkward relationship
    Dr. Liviu Giosan (Woodshole Oceanographic Institution): From waves to tides: Danube and Irrawaddy deltas

16.00-17.00: Inaugural lecture (location Wageningen Aula)

Thursday 21 December 2017
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