Invitation to provide input for the ‘Urbanising Deltas of the World’ (UDW) research programme

UDW invites interested parties to provide input for the second UDW Call for Proposals (€4,5 M), which is to be launched in December 2014.

The UDW programme
UDW is a research and innovation programme that aims is to contribute to global water safety, food security, and sustainable economic development in river delta’s worldwide, by providing effective responses to urbanisation and climate change. The programme is financed by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. A first call was launched in 2012, a second call will be launched in December 2014.

Bottum up process UDW-2
UDW is currently organizing a bottom-up process to define the content and conditions of the second Call for proposals. In the coming two months, interested parties from all over the world are invited to express their interest in the call. By mapping ideas for research, UDW wishes to enable the formulation of a call that corresponds to questions from the field. We invite businesses and private-public consortia who are interested in science-to-business research in developing country deltas to become involved in a joint process to formulate the UDW-2 Call.

The framework
At present, the scope and focus of the call have not been precisely defined yet, but a general framework has been defined as follows:

  •  Focus: Business challenges to which science can contribute (Science-for-Business)
  • Thematic scope: Broadly defined at the crossroad of water, delta and maritime issues and the energy, agribusiness and logistic sector
  • Geographical scope: Including the partner countries of Dutch Development cooperation
  • Consortia: South-North Public-Private Partnerships (Dutch partner and partner from a development country included)
  • Co-funding: required, minimum 10%

Expressing interest
Interested parties are invited to express their ideas on possible research projects and suggestions under which conditions the call would favor the realization of such a project, preferably before 3 November. Based on these expressions of interest, UDW will facilitate a dialogue and contact the interested parties. A series of roadshows will be organized to bring partners together to further discuss ideas and meet potential partners.

The full invitation for expressions of interest with call elements to be discussed, can be found here.

For further information contact UDW Programme Coordinator: Ms Kim de Vries at udw(at) 

Tuesday 14 October 2014
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