Call for papers - Special journal issue "Recent Progress in Research on River Deltas" (deadline: 31 July 2018)

Water, an international and interdisciplinary open-access journal covering all aspects of water, including water science, technology, management and governance, is publishing a Special Issue on "Recent Progress in Research on River Deltas".

You can submit your latest study findings demonstrating progress in River Delta Research. The world’s river deltas are densely populated and vital to global food security, commerce, energy production, and industrial development. Many of these deltaic regions are rapidly sinking into the sea due to a number of natural and anthropogenic factors, including disconnection of rivers with their floodplains, reduced sediment input, river engineering, coastal land subsidence, and sea level rise. Over the past decades, the world’s river deltas have experienced rapid population increase and urbanization. The anthropogenic activities have interfered with delta-forming processes and, in return, the altered deltaic forming processes are affecting humans, presenting a dynamically coupled natural–human system. As global sea level continues to rise, eroding and drowning coastal shorelines, the world’s river deltas face the continuing threat to their sustainability. However, these regions are ill-prepared to face the future challenges and satisfy the needs of their inhabitants. This Special Issue aims at bringing together the latest research on the world’s river deltas as a complex dynamic system between the natural and human environments. We encourage submissions based on field, modeling, and synthetic studies concerning deltaic geomorphology, sediment transport, hydrology, spatial organization, population dynamics, social, economics, and policy making in the vulnerable deltas. We especially encourage papers that address the world’s major river deltas and stimulate critical thinking pertinent to finding practical solutions.

Guest Editors
Prof. Dr. Y. Jun Xu, Prof. Dr. Nina S.-N. Lam, Prof. Dr. Kam-biu Liu (Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA), Prof. Dr. Zhongyuan Chen (East China Normal University, Shanghai, China)

Deadline submission
31 July 2018 

More information
Water Journal website


Monday 20 November 2017
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