Delta Coalition Ministerial Conference 28-29 July 2017, Dhaka, Bangladesh

The Delta Coalition, the ‘government to government’ collaboration to enhance resilience in deltas, held its  second Ministerial Conference in Dhaka, hosted by Bangladesh in Dhaka. The twelve member countries participating in this event discussed two major theme’s, Delta Financing and Coastal Delta Management. See the concept note for more information on the Ministerial Conference. Presentations were given by Delta Alliance Wing representatives of Bangladesh (Prof Monowar Hossain), Myanmar (Dr Zaw) and Egypt (Dr Soliman). Dr Okada, Director for International Coordination of River Engineering River Planning Division, gave a presentation on land subsidence management in Japan.
Catharien Terwisscha van Scheltinga participated on behalf of the International Secretariat of the Delta Alliance.

The Delta Coalition agreed upon a workplan for the coming five years. Egypt took over from Bangladesh as chair for the coming year.

Back-to-back to this Delta Coalition ministerial conference, Bangladesh has also hosted the SE-Asia regional meeting of the High Level Panel on Water (HLPW) as well as a SE-Asia Regional Water Conference on SDG6. The conference was opened by the Prime Minister of Bangladesh. In her speech she indicated, among others, that Bangladesh will implement its Bangladesh Delta Plan to address the challenges in the delta.

Read more: Delta Coalition website


Presentation Prof Monowar Houssain: Delta management with special reference to coastal Bangladesh
Wing Coordianator, Bangladesh Wing,Institute of Water Modelling, Bangladesh

Presentation Dr Zaw Lwin Tun: Learning Deltas Asia Initiative (LDAI)
Wing Coordinator, Myanmar Delta Alliance Wing
Representative of Myanmar Water Partnership
Director, Irrigation and Water Utilization Management Department

Presentation Tomoyuki Okada: Land Subsidence Management in Japanese Deltas
Director for International Coordination of River Engineering River Planning Division, Water and Disaster Management Bureau Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT)

Media articles


Sunday 20 August 2017
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