Meeting report: Resilience of Nile Delta and Adaptation Options under Climate Change (25 May 2017)

The Delta Alliance Egypt Wing organised on 25 May 2017 a meeting titled Resilience of Nile Delta and Adaptation Options under Climate Change.

Seventy participants, representing ten delta governorates, universities, institutes, authorities, NGOs, private sector and companies, discussed this issue. As an introduction, five presentations regarding current activities of the delta wing, were given covering modelling of extreme weather in the west delta, adaptation to climate change, Nile delta subsidence, observation, modelling and monitoring, and Nile delta inundation.

Suggestions from the group discussions were to:

  • Construct an updated database of the delta areas indicating the problems
  • Use satellite imagery through inexpensive programmes to monitor the changes that are constantly occurring
  • Develop long-term research plans to address the problem of Delta inundation
  • Improve water quality in the Manzala Lake - in light of its importance for fish production
  • Launch a project of "dikes to protect the low areas from the sea flood"
  • Take advantage of rainwater
  • Use integrated natural technologies such as wetlands as a technique to treat agricultural wastewater before discharging it to lakes
  • Adopting three-way wastewater treatment technology.

 Further information

Delta Alliance Egypt Wing
Tuesday 25 July 2017
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