Report: Adaptation experiences in deltas around the world

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For the course Academic Consultancy Training: Design of Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies, four Wageningen students  have performed an extensive desk research commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs on adaptation projects in eight countries of the Delta Coalition: Bangladesh, Colombia, Egypt, Indonesia, Mozambique, Myanmar, the Philippines and Vietnam. The goal of this research was to identify trends in adaptation experiences in these countries and to provide a framework for ‘good practices’ when adaptation strategies in delta regions are concerned.


The first part of the research consisted of a ‘keyword search’, where several keywords were entered in scientific search engines, allowing for a first insight in trends based on the attention that was granted to specific adaptation-related topics. This in turn allowed for a first country-specific analysis of the distribution of topics, as well as a reciprocal comparison of the countries.

The second and most extensive part of the research consisted of the development of a so-called ‘long-list’, in which adaptation projects and their specifics were listed for all eight countries, based on existing climate change adaptation databases. The projects were identified, edited and streamlined in such a way that the projects allowed for internal and intercountry comparison. Subsequently, the projects were analysed which allowed for statements to be made about adaptation trends.

The final part of the research was the establishment of a framework that provides guidelines which adaptation projects should apply in order to have the ability to become a ‘good’ practice. Based on these principles some projects have been highlighted that are either good or bad practices, accompanied by an elaboration.

We sincerely hope that readers of the report will be pleased with the information and results provided. We have worked on the project with great enthusiasm.

Hesther Ansems, Hidde Boonstra,  Antje Gärtner, Fitri Sari

> Read more: full report
> Contact authors: Hidde Boonstra
> Contact WUR: Saskia Werners

Wageningen University and Research
Wednesday 05 July 2017
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