Strengthening the relations with the Wings

In both the review process and the International Governing Board meeting it was concluded that the relation with the Wings should be strengthened and formalised through a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between each of the Wings and the International Foundation and Secretariat.

In the MoA (pdf) the relations between the Wings and the international Foundation and Secretariat are described in terms of what they can expect from each other. Each Wing that has signed the MoA will have a representative in the Advisory Board. The original idea of charging a fee from the Wings  for the functioning costs of the international network and the secretariat has been abandoned during the last Board meeting.  Instead, the Wings are expected to contribute in-kind to the functioning of the network by:

  • organising local activities with local wing partners and stakeholders that contribute to the overall mission of Delta Alliance
  • contributing actively to acquiring funded projects for the wing partners, preferably in cooperation with partners from other Wings
  • participating in (or preferably contributing to) at least 1 international conference per year, (co)organised by Delta Alliance
  • participating in meetings of the Delta Alliance Advisory Committee
  • contributing to knowledge dissemination in cooperation with the international secretariat, e.g. through the Delta Alliance website, brochures and other communication means

It was also decided by the Board that Delta Alliance will be an open network. All candidate Wings that are willing and able to comply with the conditions of the proposed MoA are welcome to join the network, after approval by the Board.

The Wing Coordinators of all existing Wings will soon be approached to discuss with their (potential) Wing members the content of the MoA, to identify the organisations that like to become member of the Wing network under the conditions stipulated by the MoA and ultimately, to sign the MoA.

The same process will also be followed for other deltas from which one or more organisations have asked to become member of the Delta Alliance network.

Delta Alliance Secretary
Tuesday 03 December 2013
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