
International Scientific Conference: Water & the City

Datum: 13-06-2012 t/m 15-06-2012
Tijd: 00:00 - 00:00
Locatie: TU Delft, the Netherlands
Meer informatie: Water & the City

Water is crucial for the development of every city. All over the world, cities are confronted with increased and uncontrolled urbanization, higher risks of flooding, scarcity of water for industry, households and ecosystems, rising pollution, ground subsidence, climate change and energy shortages. In addition, ever higher demands are being placed on our living environment, and citizens are becoming more outspoken in standing up for their rights. At the same time, we have more and more technologies at our disposal for measurement, processing information and purifying water for multiple use.

Key purpose of the Delft 'Water & the City' conference is to bring together a select group of representatives from the fields of Science, Engineering and Design from all over the world, and get them to actively work together on one of four cases of cities around the world facing their own specific water ‘challenges’:
> Singapore
> Jakarta
> Rotterdam
> New Orleans

Working conference
This Water & the City conference will require active participation from the attendees. In three workshop rounds, we will approach the four water challenge cases first from a Science perspective, then an Engineering perspective, followed by the Design perspective. Each workshop will last half a day. The closing part of this two day conference will then be dedicated to bringing together the insights gathered during the separate workshop sessions.

Poster contributuions and full papers
The poster sessions are meant to bring extra input to the different  workshops and will therefore also focus on the themes Science, Engineering and Design.

Submission of full papers
In addition to the posters, authors are invited to submit a full paper of 5 to 10 pages describing the content of their poster in more detail for digital publications in the conference proceedings. Full papers will be reviewed in a separate set of procedures and published after the conference.

Relevant dates
• February 21, 2012 deadline for submission of abstracts. Submit a poster abstract
• March 23, 2012 notification of acceptance
• April 27th, submission of full papers
• May 27th deadline for submission of digital posters

Deltares, TUDelft, UNESCO-IHE
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